People of Asuwere - Clive Antony

We sat down with Christchurch based Asuwere Member, Clive Antony. A hobbyist videographer turned marketing whizz, leading a team of 10. Clive took a risk promising to deliver a large content package for a business which ultimately turned his hobby into a full creative and strategy agency by the name Antony & Mates. Working with clients from big named brands to small local businesses.

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Clive wears Tencel Blazer - Mocha, Heavy Tee - White, Asuwere Jean - Black and Classic Belt - Brown

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Clive shows us a bottle of his new gin he's created with his business partener 'Homebody Gin'

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Clive wears Panama Shirt - Seersucker Stone, Bound Pima - Navy, Hybrid Shorts - Navy Seersucker and Collective Canvas X Asuwere Oxford - Off White Sneakers

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